Occupational Therapy Services Betsy Myers OTR/L, Therapy Manager Phone: 304-234-0558 Fax: 304-234-0554 Peterson's comprehensive programs have earned a reputation for excellence, enabling us to return each of our patients to their highest possible level of functional independence. Many of our patients require rehabilitation services for the following: - Difficulties with Activities of Daily Living (Eating, Bathing, Grooming, Dressing and Homemaking)
- Splint Fabrication and modification
- Upper Extremity Strengthening and Conditioning
- Assistive Device Assessment /Training
- Cognitive/Perceptual Assessment and Training including Recommendations for Environmental Adaptations
- Energy Conservation Techniques
- Safety training
Our Staff: Amy Polanski, OTR/L Valerie Harriton, OTR/L Francis Harriton, COTA Diane Gesualdo, COTA Kristen White, COTA Lisa Heath, COTA Jill Bresseur, COTA Carrie McMahon, OT Aide Beth Grimes, OT Aide